The Saint Vincent de Paul Group (Conference) in St. Joseph’s Church is part of an international lay Christian voluntary organisation actively working with the poor, disadvantaged and marginalised in more than a hundred countries. It seeks to respond to the call every Christian receives to bring the love of Christ to those it serves in the spirit of the Gospel message.        SSVP Conferences throughout the world respond to  needs in their communities.  This usually means visiting people in their homes, in hospital, hospices, care homes or in prison. For many people, this visit is all that they need. However, in meeting people in this way, SSVP volunteers get to know people. They may then go on and provide help or assistance in other ways.

        Since being founded in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam and a group of friends, home visits have been at the core and heart of the work of SSVP members.  The SSVP always works hard to respond to changing needs and has now established ‘Special works’, which provide one particular service.

       The SSVP is committed to helping the poor and those in need in any way we can. This help can take many forms, from helping individuals and families in our own community,  feeding and clothing the homeless in cities and assisting those who need our help in areas of great need around the world. SSVP members respond to the needs that they see in the best way that they can.  Sometimes this takes the form of addressing a particular need, we would call this a ‘special work’.

New members are most welcome. If you are interested please contact Fr. Gregory, or Charlie Welsh.

Charlie Welsh
President  St.  Joseph’s St. Vincent de Paul Conference