Justice & Peace Group

Justice & Peace Scotland 

Striving for Social Justice.
The National Commission for Justice and Peace advises the Scottish Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church in matters relating to social justice, international peace and human rights, and promotes action in these areas.

Saint Joseph’s Parish Justice and Peace Group.
Our group aims to shape the society we live in through our words and by our example. We work for solidarity with, and respect for, all persons.

  • We work to create peace in a broken world.
  • We choose the common good, campaigning against poverty.
  • We show our care and concern for all aspects of creation.
  • We ensure justice for all in the workplace and in the community.

Update  – August 2020
 Our Parish group held its first meeting since lockdown on Tuesday past in the church porch.
The most important issues facing us were the Urgent Appeals from SCIAF for the victims of the explosion in the Lebanon and the Corona Virus pandemic in Africa where health care and medical facilities are minimal in many parts of the continent. Also, the poverty levels in the African continent mean a low level of protection from the ravages of Covid19.

In response to the SCIAF appeals our group decided to send £350 to support each appeal. This money was raised from a variety of activities in our parish prior to lockdown and was intended for our joint venture with St Andrew’s Cathedral to provide a water source for a village in Africa. However, the above needs at present are greater and the water source is something we can return to in the future. We trust you will understand our motivation.

Thank you again for your continuing support.

Nick Marra,( Chair.)